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Welcome to the

PwC Alumni Network

Alumni Spotlights

Kellie Logerwell picture

Kellie Logerwell

Enjoying what you do.

Toan Vo picture

Toan Vo

Always adapting.

Kirsten Nordlof picture

Kirsten Nordlof

Discovering a passion for tax law.

A message from Tim
“PwC is a place that cares, and that doesn’t stop when you leave the firm. When we say “once a PwCer, always a PwCer,” we mean it. We’re so proud of all that you’ve accomplished and remain committed to your success throughout your career, whether at PwC or beyond. Our Alumni Network was born out of that commitment. It’s been fantastic to see how it has brought this community together while providing so many of you with growth opportunities. I encourage you to stay connected with your fellow PwCers and continue tapping into the amazing benefits that our Alumni Network offers!”
Tim Ryan US Chair and Senior Partner, PwC

PwC refers to the US member firm or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.